Folk remedies to increase potency

herbs for potency

Medicines have many side effects that are almost absent in folk medicine. The main alternative to restore potency is folk remedies. Recipes: cilantro and parsley, carrots and milk, turnips and milk. Folk methods for potency are an excellent choice.

There are hundreds of folk ways to increase potency. As for traditional medicine to increase potency, it can be considered a separate field of medicine as a whole. It contains a lot of proven and systematized knowledge about folk methods of potency, including folk remedies and increasing potency in old age.

How to increase potency with folk methods

cilantro and parsley

fennel and parsley to increase potency

If these herbs are on your table almost every day, then there is no point in preparing any special products based on them. The substances in them and therefore will enter the body in sufficient quantity. If this is not the case, then you can dry these plants, mix them in approximately equal proportions and take a special half-tablespoon spoon with liquid food. The number of uses is not limited. They have no contraindications, and the effect of their reception will exceed all the wildest expectations: the potential, even in old age, will increase libido and sexual desire, as in youth, due to the increase with this folk remedy.

Carrots and milk

carrots and milk for strength

Great recipe! It is easy to prepare, it turns out delicious (the same dessert), it shows real efficiency. Its only small drawback is that the preparation is kept for only one day. So, 2 (approximately) tablespoons of fried carrots should be poured with a glass of boiled whole milk, boiled for 9-11 minutes on very low heat. Take 80 grams three times a day, regardless of the meal.

Turnips and milk

turnip and milk for potency

It is not only healthy but also very tasty dessert. Favorite food for children and adults! Turnips boiled in milk are made simply: pour enough milk into an earthenware dish (can be glass or enameled) to cover the previously peeled and set turnips. Turnips are boiled in the oven (you can - the oven) until they open. You cannot take it on a schedule. The more, the faster and more pronounced the effect. This folk remedy to increase potency is suitable for absolutely everyone!

To increase potency, traditional medicine also recommends consuming as often as possible: walnuts, bee honey, garlic and its oil, quail and chicken eggs.

Folk methods for potency are an excellent choice!